The Builders Lodge No.177 DDGM Official Visit 2017

WHAT A NIGHT!!! That’s what Freemasonry is all about.

The Builders Lodge No.177 Ottawa District II, R.W Bro. Robert Clarke on his DDGM official visit. We had the pleasure of also welcoming MW Grand Master, Hon. Brother Headley Lewis, Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F&AM, Province of Ontario and Jurisdiction, as well as his esteemed DDGM for this year, R.W Bro. Randy Borde. Also present, a good friend of the Lodge, R.W Bro. Max Anglade current DDGM Ottawa District, Grand Lodge of Quebec. Truly a great night.

We all want to congratulate our Bro. Rolie Roufael for being passed to the second degree and a very special thanks to our ladies who worked so hard to make sure everything went smooth.

2018… you are next!
