Congratulations to Bro.Jason and Bro. Moe [...]
Our Worshipful Master attended Maddy’s Gala in the capacity of Second Ceremonial Master for Tunis [...]
We had the pleasure of presenting W.Bro. Gerry Thompson with his 60 years a Masons [...]
The Scottish Rite Degree Team did an excellent job. [...]
A great time had by all at the Valentines Charity Ball this evening. #TheBuildersLodge177 [...]
We welcomed R.W.Bro. Ken Brinston, DDGM of Ottawa District 2 on his official visit [...]
Our Worshipful Master attended the 3 Grand Masters Gala in Gatineau, QC. [...]
R.W.Bro Richard was elected High Priest & Prophet on the #TunisShriners179 Divan. [...]
The Builders Lodge Holiday family dinner held at Robbies Restaurant. What a turnout! [...]
The Builders Lodge annual holiday family dinner. It’s always nice to see the brethren, families and [...]