Congratulations to Brothers Nosifort and Simpson on being raised to the third degree! [...]
What a great evening! Many Masons, family and friends out to help us recognize a [...]
Congratulations to brother Eric Scott on being passed to the second degree. [...]
Congratulations to V.W. Bro. Wayne Keech for an excellent evening and for being named to [...]
Congratulations to Bro. Sampson Salinitri for being passed at our September Regular Meeting. Outstanding work from an [...]
Our Brothers getting fezzed at the annual Northeast Shrine Association Meeting and Ceremonial. A wonderful [...]
The sun was shining, and everyone had a blast. Looking forward to next year’s BBQ. [...]
The Builders Lodge Installation Night 2017- 2018. Congratulations to all the brethren for achieving another [...]
Congratulations to our 2 newest Fellowcraft, Bros. Stuart and Gary, and to Bro. Rolie for [...]
Election Night at The Builders Lodge. Congratulations to all the officers elect. We all [...]